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Image by Claudio Schwarz

Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers to our most commonly asked questions

  • Where can I download the ParkAt app
  • I’ve forgotten my password, how do I request a new one?
    Select the ‘Forgot Password’ button from the login page of the app and enter your email address followed by the ‘Done’ button. An email will be sent to the nominated address along with a link to reset the password. Follow the link, input a new password and select ‘Set’. Your password will now have been reset and you will be able to log back into the ParkAt app using your new password.
  • How can I report an issue?
    Via the menu button, select the ‘Help and Support’ option which can be used to notify Inugo of any issues. However if you are stuck at a barrier or gate it is recommended to contact the operator via the attendant, intercom, or the displayed calling number.
  • Do I need to enter my registration plate to use the ParkAT app?
    Yes, you will need to enter a registration plate in order to start a parking session.
  • What if I’m using a different car today?
    You can enter multiple registration plates into the ParkAt app. This is done via the menu and selecting ‘Registration Plates’ then ‘Add a Registration Plate’.
  • Can I pay for parking even if it’s my friends car?
    Absolutely! Simply enter their registration plate number on your list of plates and select it when you start a session using your account.
  • What if the rates shown in the app are different as to what is displayed at the Car Park?
    The information in the app is what you'll be charged for. If the rates posted at the site are different, please email us at
  • Do I have to pay if I start a session and exit because I couldn’t find a space suitable for my vehicle?
    Most parking facilities that contain gates or barriers have a short grace period where no charge applies. This allows you to leave without charge if you are unable to find a suitable space. So long as you exit within the grace period your session would automatically end upon exit via the barrier or gate using the ParkAt app. On a car park with no gates or barriers it is advisable to only begin your parking session when you have brought the car to a stop in a suitable space.
  • Why is there a padlock symbol on the map instead of the price?
    The padlock symbol is a visual indicator that it is a private car park and you have access to it. Only users who have been invited to access these car parks will be able to view these on the map overview.
  • What should I do if the ParkAt app won’t open the gate/barrier when trying to enter?
    Check that the ParkAt app is open, and that there is a green button showing on the screen. If there is not, the location may not accept the ParkAt app, or it may have been temporarily disabled. Please take a ticket to enter the car park. If there is a green button showing, but the gate does not open when you press it, take a ticket to enter the car park. After parking, please report the error to us so we can investigate and resolve any issues.
  • Why does the PartAt app display different options to open gate/barriers instead of the usual green or red buttons?
    If the ParkAt app is being used for access only there is more control for the user to open different gates and barriers depending on the car park configuration. In order to accommodate this, the ParkAt app may display a selection of gates or barriers or different lanes which can be opened. These are often named and will be reflective of what is at the car park to help streamline your access.
  • Why do I see a blue button when I approach a gate/barrier?
    The blue entry button will only be seen by users when they are part of a private access group. Furthermore, depending on the car park’s configuration if there is a singular gate or barrier that controls the entry and exit of the car park the ParkAt app will display a blue button to open or close this.
  • I accidentally closed the app when a Entry/Exit button appeared, can I still enter or exit?
    Of course, simply re-open the ParkAt app and if the button does not appear then the ParkAt logo will display in the top of the page. This small logo will pulsate and selecting it will return you to the the option screen that was previously closed. If multiple options are available you can scroll through these to select the required one.
  • Why does it say a credit card may be required to access parking spaces when looking for parking on the app?
    If the car park charges for parking then you will need a registered credit or debit card (e.g. Visa or Mastercard) in order to gain access, as opening the barrier or gate will begin your paid parking session.
  • I forgot to end my session after I parked in a surface lot! What should I do?
    In this situation you will need to contact us, email is best:
  • How can I see my current monthly parking through the app?
    By selecting ‘Your Parks’ from the menu, it will display where you have current monthly parking or private access sites which you have access to.
  • Can I register more than one credit or debit card?
    Yes. You can add multiple cards that might be used for different ocassions i.e. personal or business. You will need to chose one card as the "default" card, but you can change which card is actually used when starting a parking session. We only accept Visa, Mastercard, and Amex.
  • How to remove your account
    Use this guide to remove your account from the ParkAt app. Step-by-Step Instructions Open the app and login to the account you wish to delete. Select "menu" Select "profile" Select "delete my account" in the options Select "delete my Account" to confirm
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